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Fix Your Swing

Learn the proper swinging mechanics for mace/gada and kettlebells.

2 hr
150 US dollars

Service Description

Enhance your efficiency, performance, and confidence in your technique with the steel mace, gada, and kettlebell swing through one on one individualized training sessions. Perfect for individuals that are self taught or have had some previous training experience and want to revisit technical basics to improve efficiency How Fix Your Swing works: We have a consult call and evaluation (you forward me videos of your swings for review) through video links that I send you personally, we address what's inhibiting your movement (accessory mobility or strength work may be recommended) We can also look to progress your training by adding more complexity when ready This a 4 week program that you can continue with or have the option to transition into another program based on your needs. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have

Contact Details


68 Southport Woods Drive, Southport, CT, USA

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