It's been nearly two and a half months since lockdown began due to the Corona Virus. Like most, many aspects of my life have been impacted by the mitigation efforts to slow the spread. As my state, Connecticut, goes into phase 1 of reopening tomorrow (gyms and fitness studios may be included in phase 2) this week, I've begun to accept my new reality. My mindset around my career has shifted over the course of this emotionally draining ordeal.
In the face of adversity, we can choose to thrive
I pride myself in being a hard worker and openly admit that my career takes up the vast majority of my focus. Prior to the virus, I found myself over extended with too many obligations and commitments. Always wishing for change but never taking action, I was forced to sit with my thoughts over the past couple of months. Asking myself time and time again, what do I truly want for myself both personally and professionally? A plan needed to be devised to finally consolidate my business.
During this time, I felt it was important to respectfully give my clients space as they went about adjusting to their personal/professional circumstances. I was pleased when some decided to continue working with me remotely. Yet, losing over half my business including 9 weekly classes and cancelling all workshops into mid-Fall was absolutely gutting.
A message from my friend Tim Anderson of Original Strength helped me change my attitude. CREATE! He encouraged me to create. I knew I had it in me, I just needed a little nudge. From there, I joined the Shift Mentorship Program from OS to help me go about devising a plan of action.
...And just like that, I scratched my old website and created this new site with the help of my friend Monica Boldt (thank you Monica!). I figured out how to use Zoom, created a virtual bodyweight and kettlebells class, launched several Indian Clubs and mace virtual workshops, and several new programs (to be highlighted in my next blog). My 6x8ft home training space became both my sanctuary and new office.
The truth is, I won't be returning to my usual fragmented schedule. With home school winding down in the coming weeks and all of my son's summer camps cancelled, the vasty majority of my work will now take place out of my home (I will see a few in-person appointments based on their comfortability as restrictions ease and my availability).
I intend to coach people near and far to the best of my ability.
Change can be good. I feel as if I've been given a new opportunity to truly thrive!
